
Carpool - Noelle Adams

Jennifer has basically grown up in the same small town as Marcus.  When her grandmother warns her to stay away from him - she takes it seriously.  She takes everything seriously.

Marcus is completely shocked when the woman of his dreams asks him for a favor.  As they get to know one another by carpooling to and from work, they are surprised to find common ground.  Now if he could just convince her to give him a shot......

Such an amazing and sexy book.  Felt like I was right there feeling the emotions of the characters.  Their journey may have been a long one, but with the right words it can be the best one.  I was very happy to root for these two to be together.  I give this a 4/5 Kitty's Paws UP!

***This ARC copy was given in for my honest opinion and review.


  1. Awesome.

    Thank you so much for your review.

    Wait for Single Dad :)


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