Here, take my heart

Kelly Tanaka and Phil Davidson are best friends.  The kind that have known one another for years.  They go to school together, play on the same hockey team, and hang out all the time.  Until Phil kiss her.....

Hockey Is My Boyfriend: Part One - Melanie TingKelly and Phil spend some time apart and explore other options and people.  He has many girlfriends and gets a rep for being a player since he cannot have the one he wants.  She ends up dating a guy she would otherwise call a tool.

Phil is still serious about wanting to try dating with Kelly.  They both have separate plans for after high school and the relationship has an end date.  Will that help or hurt the relationship?  Phil and Kelly seem to be able to be friends no matter what.  They can work through just about anything together.

Phil realizes too late he is in love with her.  It kills him not to tell her and now he wants a future he did not know he wanted.  Can he tell her without killing what they have?  Can he let her go when the time comes?

Kelly is just realizing her feelings for Phil when it is time to break up and go to college away from him.  Can she follow through and leave him behind?  Can she leave her heart somewhere she will not be?

Such an amazing story about true friendship and heartwarming love that sneaks up on you!  I love this book and cannot wait to read the rest of the series.  I give this story a 5/5 Kitty's Paws UP!  

***This ARC copy was free from and its publisher, for review purposes. 


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