Talk to me

Call Me, Maybe - Ellie CahillClementine bumps literally into Justin at the airport, and later finds out their cell phones are switched.  They end up talking each day to pass messages on to one another.  A new and tentative friendship is born.

Justin is attracted to the voice and the pictures he sees on the phone.  He wants to meet with her when they both get back in town.  Maybe even go on a date.  The attraction appears to be mutual and they set it up.

Clementine and Justin have chemistry that just lights up the story and this book!  It is a fun read.  I found the character development and pace to be spot on.  I enjoyed the banter with them and loved the sizzle and heat.  I give this story a 4/5 Kitty's Paws UP!

***This ARC copy was given by and its publisher in exchange for an honest review. 


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