James "Cain" Allen meets Tessa "Lincoln" Todd as he helps on her music video. She is a famous rock star with a bored and lonely attitude. He is a hard working college kid who is trying to find his father's killer. Lincoln tells Cain she wants to run away and have a break. He talks her into being responsible and finishing her video shoot. Then, her manager pays him to talk her into the rest of her schedule. She wants to cancel her tour, and invites Cain along or she won't go. European tour aside, Cain needs the money for his family. He decides to go with her. She think he is only there for the money, but he truly wants Lincoln to be okay. Her manager does not screen those he hires for her very well, it seems. Cain is in the middle of dueling biker gangs. Has a baby sister who needs him at home, and Lincoln is very needy about wanting him to leave her. They end up being photographed around Paris, and now t...
Showing posts from April, 2015
She is Ready to be Bad
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Holt Cunningham and Lydia Thomas had never met before. They have someone in common, her older brother is Holt's best friend. Is it a lie if she does not tell him? Holt and Lydia are explosive right from the start. Where he was just sitting, drowning his sorrows in a bar and then she kisses him. You heard right - she kissed him! Lydia has feelings so quickly for Holt that she is almost afraid. They are moving too fast and yet it sometimes feels too slow. They feel like they belong together, because they do. Holt works and is good friends with Lydia's older brother who still thinks of her as a kid. When he finds out about them.... well it is not pretty. Is their relationship more important than friendship? Is what they have going to last? If only he could keep his hands off her. Or maybe keep his mouth off her. They cannot be in a room together without some incredible passion taking over. This book is...
Ali Parker's BAITED series Party
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Invite your friends and come join the fun for giveaways and sneak-peaks of all kinds! TIMES ARE IN CDT 6:00 - 6:30 Ali Parker 6:30 - 7:00 Sandra Nelson 7:00 - 7:30 Lexy Timms 7:30 - 8:00 Kate Thomas, Author 8:00 - 8:30 L.A. Starkey 8:30 - 9:00 Ali Parker When? Friday, May 8 at 6:00pm - 9:00pm in CDT Where? https://www.facebook.com/events/685863008190332/690181397758493/ We have the authors listed above joining us to give you some amazing FREEBIES!! ***Be sure and tell 'em I sent ya! Thanks!! :0)
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John and Mykhail meet under some rather confusing circumstances. John catches Mykhail raiding their garden and insulting the family tomatoes. In this post-apocalyptic world, there is no longer the use of electricity and every man for himself. John and Mykhail have an obvious immediate attraction to one another. John can barely breathe when they are in the same room. He gets mixed messages from Mykhail in return. Meanwhile, there are more surprises outside of their little farm. John's family accepts him and that stuns Mykhail since he no longer has one. He wants to go back out and locate a college professor of his who he believes can solve this energy crisis. They embark on a journey alone together to the college to see the professor. On the way to the college, John finds out that Mykhail has feelings for him too. He has just never acted on them with anyone before and is uncertain. John is still feeling out o...
Guest Post with Adam Dreece of The Yellow Hoods Series
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5 things that didn’t happen in book 1 – Along Came a Wolf When I started writing Along Came a Wolf, I had a couple of ideas that never happened. Note, this does contain some minor spoilers for those that haven’t read book 1. Here they are: It all took place in Europe. I battled back and forth as to whether or not this story was really taking place in Europe, specifically if Minette was going to be in the Britany province of France. Deciding to make it a steampunk story complicated matters, because I didn’t want the Victorian elements to make this story Yet Another Victorian Steampunk Story will all the same social idioms, etc. I wanted to have something that was familiar, and yet the history was different than ours. An alternate history world. So, after the half way point, I decided not to make it Europe and to let my imagination go where it did. The Cochon Brothers were to be the bad guys, and LeLoup to be a good guy. The idea for the Cochon brothers were to ...
Blog Tour #2, The Yellow Hoods Tour
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To see more of THE YELLOW HOODS TOUR Blog Stops - CLICK HERE!! Yellow Hoods Book #1, Along Came a Wolf Yellow Hoods Book #2, Breadcrumb Trail Yellow Hood Book #3, All The King's Men About this author edit data For 25 years, Adam wrote short stories that he only shared with friends and family. Like many people, he put his career first, and writing second. In 2009 when his appendix nearly killed him, he found himself struck with horrific abdominal pain that seemed never ending. Fifteen months later, after a surgery to explore for, and remove, scar tissue reduced the pain to a manageable, chronic level, he started writing a memoir. Nearly six months later, once again back at work but this time with writing always having a place in his life, he found himself hit with sudden, severe asthma. It was as if a switch had been flipped, and Adam found himself once again trying to figure out which way was up. Two years later, with the memoir going thro...
Author Interview with Ali Parker
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Author Interview – Ali Parker Tell us a little about yourself! I have the best hubby in the world and we live in a house that fits us perfectly. Small pool in the back and lots of woodworking tools in the garage for him. We’re in our early 30’s and love life. I’m a lawyer most days of the week, but my books give me a creative outlet. I’m a free spirit, helpful, loving and dream in violent colors. Life is a gift and I’m the kind of person who lives it to the fullest. You just released two romance novels, back to back. Tell us what’s next or are you done for a little while? Done? I’m just getting started!! I plan on releasing Justified in May/June to tell Marc and Lisa’s story. They are two of the characters you are introduced to in my Jaded serials. After that I will move over and work on the serial for the last couple, Sicily and Drake. I have a million other projects underway, one with a good friend of mine, Lexy Timms. We’ll be co-authoring something this...
Blog Tour Today #1, Baited Tour
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Title: Baited (3 Part Serial) A uthor: Ali Parker Publication Date: April 12, 2015 Rebecca Martin has achieved most things one might hope to by thirty. She is a successful business owner, drives a nice car and is wrapping up the details on a custom built home on the lake. The only thing she is missing is someone to share her accomplishments with. One man has never been far from her thoughts – Kade McMillian, but his return to town after far too many years of chasing his dreams couldn’t be more poorly timed. With a younger man demanding Rebecca attention at the office, she has to decide between reconstructing a relationship from her past or diving in deep to something new and seemingly forbidden. Purchase Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo | Scribd The next installments in the series: ...