
The Marriage Effect - Karla Sorensen

Logan has a full plate. He works hard to be the best at what he does for his team.  He is the guardian to his four younger sisters.  When he meets Paige at a team event he gets scared that he has found the one who can change his priorities.

Paige has never stayed in one place for long.  When she has to get married, it is rather convenient that so does Logan.  The fact that they are attracted to each other and generate that much heat? Priceless.

I loved reading this story.  I was sucked in from the very first, and literally laughed out loud in parts.  There was so much to this book.  Humor and so many sparks I cannot believe my e-reader did not catch fire!  With an interesting story, and some fun background characters this one was a sure win.  I give this read a 4/5 Kitty's Paws UP!


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