KB Worlds Release Day - Everyday Heroes



The latest set of books in the Everyday Heroes World are live!

Inspired by K. Bromberg’s Everyday Heroes standalones, each author wrote their own story to fit in the world. We hope you’ll fall in love with their new stories and characters while revisiting the Malone brothers from mine.


3_11 Release


All the books releasing today are FREE in Kindle Unlimited:


Worthless by J.Grayland https://geni.us/Worthless

Protect by Jane Blythe https://geni.us/ProtectEH

Fated by by Susana Mohel https://geni.us/FatedEH

Eres mi destino by Susana Mohel https://geni.us/Destino


Everyday Heroes World

Check out the books that inspired the authors! K. Bromberg’s Everyday Heroes series are FREE in Kindle Unlimited right now:

EverydayHeroes_Bromberg Cuffed: https://geni.us/CfdAmz

Combust:  https://geni.us/CmbstAmz

Cockpit: https://geni.us/CkptAmz


KBWORLDS More KB Worlds books are coming your way every month. Stay up to date on all the releases here:

✶ Amazon: https://amzn.to/2Vy4v9d

✶ Website: http://www.kbworlds.com

✶ Newsletter: https://smarturl.it/KBWNewsletter




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