Release Blitz - Impulsive Saint

“Ride a motorcycle. Take a road trip. Get drunk. Dance on a bar. Correct me if I’m wrong but you knocked those out already. Why are you bothering to write them down?”
She shrugged, “I like checking things off to-do lists.”
That made him laugh, “Somehow that doesn’t surprise me.”
She continued, putting check marks by the things they’d done already. He could read most of the napkin even upside down. He smiled as he watched her write but when she paused and glanced back up at him from beneath her lashes, biting her bottom lip far too suggestively for his liking he felt heat curl in his belly and stomped it down immediately.
“Don’t you dare write one-night stand on that list, Ashtyn.”
She flushed a pretty shade of pink, “How did you know…”
“You mentioned it last night. Remember?”
That made her cringe, “Oh yeah… unfortunately I do.”
“Don’t put it on the list.”
She smirked, “But it is on my list.”
“Not this one.” He tried to glare at her but wasn’t sure the look worked for him when she only smiled in return. “It’s not going to happen.”
“Need I remind you that it’s my list, not yours?” She raised a perfect eyebrow.
“Need I remind you that we’re sharing a hotel room from here to Vegas so you’re not going to have much privacy.”
She looked offended, “You’re joking.”
“Not in the least.” He eyed the napkin and frowned. “You can mark skinny-dipping off that list too.”
“Oh come on!” she laughed, “It’ll be fun.”
“Give me the list.” He held out a hand but she jerked it away. “Ashtyn, give me the list.”
“Fine.” She handed it over and he snatched the pen from her as well.
He read through it again, noting everything that she had listed. When he glanced back up at her she was wiggling uncomfortably in her chair. He sighed and folded the napkin, putting it in his pocket.
“I will help you check everything on this list off that doesn’t require bodily harm or the potential to be arrested.”
She rolled her eyes, “And here I thought you took pride in being adventurous.”
“Every minute with you is exactly that, princess.” He winked playfully and then scooted to the edge of the booth. “Come on, if we’re going to get all this done, we can’t waste any more daylight.”

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