
Hard Crush - Mira Lyn Kelly

Hank & Abby used to date back in high school.  Abby is shocked to see him back in the school they used to go to, and where she works now.  It is bringing back feelings she thought she lost.  Still attracted, and still afraid, she is not sure whether to trust and go all in.

Hank has never forgotten Abby.  She is very much the one who got away.  He is hoping this second chance at love will have a different ending.  As far as he can tell, the feelings not only went away, they are back in full force.

I thought this was one of the best - most sexy - romance stories I have ever read.  I was more than thrilled to see it be put on the app Chapters.  Had to come back and review this very hot and very good read.  What a great introduction to the Back To You series!  I give this a 5/5 Kitty's Paws UP!


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