Cover Reveal - Tales from Parallel Worlds


A collection of faerie tales and adventure stories from two worlds parallel to each other. One is a world filled with fae folk and monsters, and the other is place of clockwork and alchemy. Both are brimming with magic, mystery, and mortals who must find their places within.

Between the pages of these worlds, a boy learns his childhood friend is a dyrad, a lady must sneak away from her own ball to provide the cure to a plague-infected village, a siren has to solve a murder, and more.

Also includes an exclusive short story from the Howling Twenties series, involving the enchanted forest, a wedding day, and a blood moon.

Be swept away in tales of wonder- with all profit going to Polaris so girls and boys can have a chance to live their own faerie tales and adventures in freedom. 
Author Bio:

Jes Drew is the author of the Ninja and Hunter trilogy, the Howling Twenty trilogy, the Kristian Clark saga, the Castaways trilogy, and The Dystopian Takeover trilogy. She read every fairy tale book she could get a hold of as a child, Captain America is her version of Prince Charming, and she’s pretty sure she's a mermaid.


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