I was shocked
Kelly Abbott and Nick O'Flaherty's story is actually kind of funny. Kelly is injured and Nick helps him while he recuperates. Then one day he says to Nick, "kiss me." Well, yes Nick is pretty surprised and he has to be talked into it at first.
Kelly and Nick are in the same Team Sidewinders (hence the series title) and are both Recon Marines. Nick does not want their good friendship to be altered and is considerably upset and confused at the requests. He has tried hard to never put his Marine buddies in that light in his head. Now, he has to look at all angles of what and why this has changed.
Kelly, meanwhile is healing. Getting more demanding of Nick too. He never knew why he felt so fluttery looking at Nick. Now he has an answer for the tingles and such he always felt around him.
There are 2 stories in one in this book. Well worth the money and the read. I loved the Nick character from the Cut & Run series, and he makes a terrific start to this newer series. Such a good book with excellent banter and HOT enough to keep you humming. I give this book a 5/5 Kitty's Paws UP!
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